The soul of a company is it’s “true north,” which
is a combination of it’s core competency, value proposition
and the way people within the company see themselves contributing
to society manifested by many satisfied and loyal customers. A company’s
true north, with it’s integrity intact, is passed down to
successive generations of leaders and employees who get up every
day and make a difference.
With the explosion of new technology, competition
has intensified pressure to hasten the development of new value-added
products and services to generate profitable revenue. New equipment
and software must be launched to capture new markets while new technology
along with the necessary integration of multi-vendor solutions have
caused networks to become more complex.
Network integration, qualification and service
introduction cycles bottleneck the ability to get new products to
market and capture revenue. Additionally, without a clear understanding
of the complex introduction of new technology and multi-vendor integration,
Capital Markets prefer to provide funding only to the most disciplined
and consistent performers.
At Hammatan, we focus on real world solutions.
The old school’s keys to survival are: success based deployment;
targeted customer acquisition; precise network implementation; and
active vendor management leading to improved network utilization,
efficient operational efficiencies and strategic yield management.
This focus on execution capabilities will open up vistas of funding
opportunities that will separate your company from the pack.
The only sustainable competitive advantage is a
highly skilled work force, so we actively look to transfer skills
to employees who will be consciously competent and proceed with
the transformation necessary to make the company a market leader.
We at Hammatan are committed to help you sharpen your focus and
become your strategic advantage in achieving your true north.